This course is a professional training in Maya, which is designed specially for modelling in 3d. It is used to create assets for interactive 3D applications (including video games), animated films and visual effects. This course in Maya covers :
- Basics : Menus, Channel Box, Layer Editor, Animation Controls, Tool Box, Display Options, Layouts, Outliner etc.
- Primitives : Polygons, NURBS, 2D & 3D primitives, construction aids, content browser, importing, selection, components, transform, group, parent, snap & align, nodes & attributes.
- Polygon Objects : Editing, polygon operations, retopology & smooth edges, booleans & triangulate, holes, edge loops, rings & borders, modelling toolkit, quad draw.
- NURBS : Edit surfaces, surface operators, trim surfaces, boolean tools, stitch surfaces, convert objects.
- Curves : Create & edit curves, modify curves, curve operators, sweep mesh objects, simple surfaces from curves.
- Deformers : Nonlinear deformers, working with deformers, lattice & wire deformers, shrinkwrap deformer, softbody objects, texture deformer.
- Materials & Textures : Apply & work with materials, textures, position textures, displacement maps, utilities nodes, paint in 3d, edit UVs.
- Paint Effects : Preset brushes, custom brushes, paint in 2d & on 3d objects, paint effects.
- Camera & Lights : Work with cameras, create background, create & position lights, light settings, light effects.
- Animation : Set keyframes & view animation, using motion paths, animating curves, control timing, add sound.
- Character : Build a skeleton, joint attributes, inverse kinematics, skin a character, edit skin, automatic rigging, add hair & fur.
- Dynamics : Particles & emitter, fields & goals, animating rigid body collisions, particle collisions, soft body objects, cloth, constrain motion, fluids, create effects.
- Rendering : Process, special features, render view window, final render, maya vector, arnold.
Mode of Training : Online | Offline* | Onsite (Fee for Onsite Training depends on the location of training)
Duration : 60 Sessions of 2 hrs. each (120 hrs.)
Fees : (Down Payment for Online Training) : 36000/-
Fees : (By Instalment for Online Training) : 10000/- x 4
Certificate will be issued on satisfactory completion of the course.
* Offline Training is currently not available.